Unity Eastern Region Ministry Profile
Unity of Charlottesville
Minister: Revs. Patricia Gulino Lansky & Don Lansky

About Unity of Charlottesville
Are you spiritual, but haven’t found a spiritual home that fits?
Unity offers practical, spiritual teachings that empower abundant and meaningful living. Unity is a world-wide movement that was founded in 1889 by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore in Kansas City, MO, as part of the growing New Thought movement in America. We refer to ourselves as “culturally Christian and universally inclusive,” meaning that while our primary inspiration is from the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, and the teachings of Jesus Christ, we recognize truth in all of the world’s sacred scriptures and faith traditions and view each person as a unique expression of the divine energy we call God (by many names). Currently, there are nearly 1,000 Unity churches and study groups around the world.
Sunday worship service is every Sunday at 10:30 AM. Unity of Charlottesville has been a part of the Charlottesville community for 37 years. ALL ARE WELCOME HERE.
Unity Prayer Partners and Healing Helpers are available immediately after the service to pray with any person.
Meet the minister

About Revs. Patricia Gulino Lansky & Don Lansky
Rev. Patricia Gulino Lansky
Rev. Patricia was ordained in 2001 by the Association of Unity Churches. She has been the co-minister of Unity of Charlottesville since October, 2001. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and, prior to ministry, had her own private psychotherapy practice in Miami, Florida for 15 years. Rev. Patricia is an inspiring teacher, workshop presenter and spiritual counselor.
Rev. Don Lansky
Rev. Don was ordained in 2000 by the Association of Unity Churches. He has been the co-minister of Unity of Charlottesville since October, 2001. Prior to that time, he was the senior vice president of a large cruise agency in Miami, Florida. Don was trained by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation Program and taught TM for 14 years. He has been practicing the TM technique for 43 years.
Ministry Information
Unity of Charlottesville
Charlottesville VA 22901 United States